Announcing to family


Figuring out when to announce to the rest of the family. I figured we’d tell his parents the day before his moms birthday in February and that would put me at exactly 13 weeks. Not sure how to tell the rest of my family. I’d like to have a get together but I think they would be like, why is she wanting to have a get together? Or tell them each separately. I don’t really wanna wait till Easter. That’s a 5 month hold and by then, we would know the gender and Easter is at my aunts house, we could do it then, however, I would most definitely be showing.

Help! I prolly just blabbered and didn’t make sense. What would you ladies suggest??

Another thing, we didn’t do it last year but in years past, everyone would get together for every siblings birthday and go out to eat. My mom is 1/6 and first birthday of the year is her sister, March 7. But I don’t think anyone will do birthday get together this year.