Am I being unreasonable?

This is my BDs mom. There’s so much. Basically In super short-he has an alcohol issue, a questionable roommate(ex con) and a crazy gf who lives with him that’s made threats.

Currently he has filed a petition for custody but has yet to serve it to me, so that’s basically frozen until he serves me. We agreed for him to have visits tues thurs and sun supervised by his sister at his sisters. I’m being firm on this because for one our son is only 3 months his dad has no clue how to care for an infant and for two because I have concerns about gun safety in his home, his roommate, his gf, and his alcohol issue.

This is the first time his mom has pressured me. She’s VERY manipulative. (I see where he got that from). She has only seen my son three times, once at the hospital, once in our home where I did photos of them for free, and once when we visited her an hour and a half away. Is it unreasonable to remain firm on these boundaries even while she is here for a short visit and has driven an hour and a half? I truly do NOT feel okay leaving my son at his house, or even staying with him at his house at this point if I am to expect the judge to take my concerns seriously.

Also given that we were unwed he has zero visitation or custody rights until we have finished this court process.

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