Should I go to Dr?


This may be a bit tmi so fair warning.

Alright so I have IBS always have my whole life. I’m used to it. Nothing new. I usually suffer from IBS-C so I’m constipated most of the time and my normal BM’s now that I’m older (23) are 1 a day or 1 every 2/3 days and maybe 1 A week or 1 every 2 weeks they will be IBS-D idk why I’ll just have 1 day every so often where I’ll have a super painful cramping in my abdomen and then diarrhea and my stomach is fine. Well for the past almost 2 weeks straight I’ve had a BM every day sometimes multiple times a day but it’s been IBS-D every day. It hasn’t been painful cramping in my stomach thankfully. I’ve just been having the diarrhea. Which is annoying but it’s not unmanageable. So I guess I’m wondering if maybe this is a normal random spell for IBS? That maybe as I’m getting older it’s changing up a bit? Or if I should go to the dr even though I’ve not felt uncomfortable or been burdened by it. If I’m being honest I don’t mind it so much because it’s kind of nice to be able to go every day easily which is something I don’t normally get to do but I also don’t wanna ignore it if it could be a problem. I feel fine though I’m not in pain or anything so I’m really debating if it’s worth a dr visit to check on if I FEEL like I’m fine.