Still having positive pregnancy test after one week of miscarriage


Hey ladies it is have been a week today that I started my miscarriage. I took a pregnancy test today and it still saws a positive test.

I am bleed still a little bit I do have a little clots . Last night I had a few clots but not this morning. On Friday I called my doctor office to see if I can talk to the doctor. So the doctor called me back and prescribed me a medicine. So she told me to wait to see if the bleeding stop. When I get new medication I like to google everything before I take it. And this medicine have a tons of symptoms that scares me. So I have a appointment next week after the new year. By than I should have no more bleeding or any positive pregnancy test. I am really scared to take this medicine I know it is good to remove all the products of conception out because if you leave anything behind it could be bad and you can get an infection. So I really dont know what to do about this . So should I take the medication or let nature take it course. Also my doctor people with fibroids and people going though miscarriage sometimes it takes longer because of the fibroids maybe be blocking the patch to get all that stuff harder to get out. I don’t know what to do. The symptoms that I don’t like that is listed is : dizziness that you feel like you will faint , cramping, diarrhea and vomiting . That Is only a few of the symptoms there list oh yeah also rash too was one of the symptoms too. I don’t know what to do.