I stopped taking my pill...


So I spent over a year on the same Birth Control (sprintex I think is the name)

No big side effects. It helped my moods and period overall be better.

About 6 months ago everything changed. I was CONSTANTLY moody and my periods were unpredictable. They began to barely last 3 days when I've always had a steady 5 days one day off then one day of spotting. I began to get extremely sick and crampy during that time.

Well we didn't have the money for me to pick up my BC prescription so we decided maybe the symptoms were a result of the pill. My periods are back to normal and bearable after about 2-3 months off the pill.

Has anyone else had an issue like this?

Next time I see my OB I'm thinking about considering other birth control options. What would you guys recommend looking into more?