Best gift and so simple 🥰

La 💋

Sooo dont mind my fat ass fingers and toes. But I had a baby 6 months ago. Pre pregnancy I was in the nail salon every other week. I was addicted to acrylics. With Little time, it’s hard for me to go now with work and my kids & I barely have sitters for extra time. My husband got me the UV light and polishes to do at home. Took me about 10 mins total to paint and dry & I’m all set to go. So with the baby, it’s very convenient. The regular polish icouldnt have the smell around him plus it took forever to dry. I’m going to let my natural nails grow out even though I know how to do the acrylics at home.. I love itttt! I should of gotten it along time ago. I probably won’t go to the nail salon again. I suggest if there’s any mommas with little time to get one 🥰🥰🥰🥰