Im not broken 😌😌


If anyone cares, my period was late was suppose to come December 23 and end the 27th. It never came. Only symptoms i had/have is morning sickness off and on, constipation, and gas. I gave in the 27th around 6pm and took a test with my husband in the room. It didn't even finish and this popped up :

So we call my best friend up and have her take us to the store for more because this is unreal.

We take one more and

We get this.

So fast forward the next morning and I take another with fmu. This is the results.

So I got kinda sad that it wasn't real because of how faint it was. So I took another that evening.

After this one I was still in denial. Think 3 years of seeing negative tests. Most of you ladies know my pain and my excitement. I kept getting excited but then sad that these aren't real. So I took another.

Still faint but still there.

We decided to stop testing and wait a day or 2.

Today my husband asked me to take one to reassure him this is real ... Really real... So I did.

Never in my life would I think id be typing this up. But here I am. After 3 years of crying, being asked by ppl, trying, trying fertility pills off Amazon, using fertility lube, putting legs in the air, everything. Trying everything in the book. I'm finally pregnant. If 5 positive tests don't do it then this 6th one test should.

We did it. We're beyond happy. Excited. Nervous. Thank you everyone for the years of help! 💙