Did IVF help you sustain your pregnancy?

🎀GirlMom 01/2023🎀

Long story short my husband & I have been ttc for 7 years. During the 7 years we've had 5 miscarriages and still ttc #1.

My husband & I Bloodwork looks good, my uterus is fine, the specialist said it could just be bad luck..

Sooo... my thing is yes I can get pregnant on my own BUT it's not sticking. The longest pregnancy I had was 6 weeks.


<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

help you sustain/ get pregnant?

Note: I've already taking the following it helped get me pregnant and still miscarried....

- metformin

- clomid

- progesterone suppositories