Infant Congestion / Cold Symptoms

Michelle • Wife & Mother. Believer. Social Worker.

Hello wonderful November mamas!

I’m reaching out because my baby boy (7weeks) has been congested for the last 3 weeks and 2 days - almost half his life :(. My heart breaks for my sweet baby.

We’ve taken him to the pediatrician twice and have seen two different doctors in the practice. Both doctors have said this is a cold. Because it’s lasting so long, the doctor said it could be that another cold virus has started before the first one really cleared up. We were also told that allergies do not form until one year. ...hard to believe.

We have a whole house humidifier, in addition to the room humidifier constantly going. We use the saline spray and nose frida and we put him in the bathroom with the shower running for the steam. Some days his congestion seems to be improving, but some days I feel it’s worse.

I keep sanitizing all areas of our home, limiting visitors to just grandparents (who are not sick themselves and have their TDAP & flu shot), and keeping him home and away from additional germs. I exclusively breastfeed (he’s eating well).

He does not have RSV, the flu, or any other illness (per doctor examinations and monitoring his temperature daily from home).

So, I’m curious ... any moms here experiencing anything similar with their loved ones? Any additional tips to keep infants comfortable while riding this cold out? Or, has anyone’s baby actually been diagnosed with allergies?

Thanks so much in advance!