

So I’m trying the huckleberry app bc this nine month sleep regression has been from about thanksgiving to now and I can’t take it anymore.

Her naps are fine but she wakes 3+ times a night and it’s totally unpredictable. She’s just started self soothing again (on occasion) this week. We had a month of just waking up screaming.

The app suggested naps right when she’s already taking them so we’re spot on there.

But tonight it suggested bedtime at 6pm. We usually shoot for 630 or 7 so we’re really not keeping her up late, but for some reason 6 just sounds so so early. Lol.

Anyone have a LO that goes to bed that early?

Im curious to see if a half an hour change will fix our sleep problem.

For context our LO wakes between 6-7 am and naps at 9/930 and 130/2 for about 40-90 minutes each nap.