Sleep training


My little girl is9 months now and we started to put her to bed without a bottle at 8 months. (I know we should have started that along time ago) we didn’t do it cold turkey, we started giving it to her earlier and earlier. She was doing great with it for may be a week. And now its going into 3( we started this at 8 1/2 month) and she cries for 30min up to and hr. And at that point I can’t Handel her crying anymore. It hurts to hear her in so much pain. Of being alone. And on top of that she’s standing up in the crib and will stay like that till we put her back down. She has no problem getting down she just won’t do it.

Pleas if anyone has any advice or anything. I can’t do this any more.

And the reason we’re putting her to bed without a bottle is because she would wake up at 3am every morning “needing” a bottle to go back to sleep. But when we stoped giving her one for bedtime she stoped getting up at 3am.