Red meat and sugar cause vagina odor

Hey so I have a problem wit yeast infections only when I’m pregnant . So a while back I came on here saying how my yeast infection wouldn’t go away because I have GD so I waited until my 6 weeks check up to treat it and when I went in for my appt she said everything looks fine so she didn’t give me meds .but I just knew I had one . I had odor so I emailed them trying to explain the smell so they gave me pills for BV . Smell didn’t go away for I asked for uti pills . Still didn’t go away so I just bought some boric acid pills. Works ! I have a small smell nothing too harsh but I still don’t want a smell down there . But lately I’ve been eating TOO MUCH snacks . And I’ve been on and off cutting out red meat and I read both of them can cause a change in your vagina . Did anyone go through this ? When you cut out these foods did you notice a change in the smell of your vagina ? It can’t be a STD I haven’t had sex since January and they would’ve caught that when I was pregnant . I know vaginas aren’t supposed to smell like roses and flowers lol .