How long does pneumonia last?

My boyfriend was diagnosed with “viral pneumonia” which is what his doctor called it. They prescribed him

Vanacof for his coughing

Amoxaclav for antibiotics

And ibuprofen for his fever

I was reading that antibiotics don’t do much for viral infections? Does anyone know how long this should last? It started as a icky throat on Monday and it’s now Sunday and he still have a bad cough and get fever if he doesn’t take the Ibuprofen on time. I hate him being sick especially since I’m 24weeks pregnant. Everyone keeps telling me to stay away from him but we live in a 1 bedroom apartment it’s very confined can’t really stay apart. I need to know if this will last much longer from anyone’s who’s experienced it 🥺🥺 plus he’s also breaking out into hives and swelling but we aren’t sure from what I’m just so stressed for him he can’t eat, has diarrhea, idk I’m just so worried for him bc that’s my baby 😖 or I’m probably just hormonal lol