Dear Boyfriend

I'm sorry, I cant be with you anymore. I love you so, so much but I just lost the feelings that I once held so deep. I didnt want to acknowledge it, but when I felt guilty kissing you today I knew that it was over in my heart.

I want to explore, and I want to be with someone without all the pressure and suffocation.

Your friends all have a problem with me and claim that I'm "using" you, and if I'm not undoubtedly head over heels for you I feel like it's not enough. I've never left someone before and I don't want to leave you. You are so amazing and sweet, and I wish you noticed it more.

If we cross paths again I know I'll want to take another shot at us, but for now, with where we are at, I know that it's not in our cards to be together. I'm sorry I couldn't be strong enough to be with you.