Good husband, bad father...

My husband is the most amazing guy I know. He takes extra good care of me and I am so grateful that we made a child together. However, I hate his parenting style... He thinks that our 6-months old is big enough to let him cry and cry and cry until he stops, either from exhaustion or from despair. I am fed up of this but every time I try to talk to him about it, he gets angry and gets defensive by telling me "Just let me be!". I just dont know anymore what to do. Sometimes, if our son cries, he (on purpose) does not respond because he thinks that will make our baby grow as a strong man. He says he needs to wait for the crying to sound urgent before he needs to take action... I am more of the belief that a baby should not be left to "cry it out". Anyone out there living the same thing? Any advice please?