Scaring, what should I expect?!


Hey ladies, I have a planned cs in just a few days. I've been up every night freaking out about the scar (yes it's vain). I love to wear little bikinis and be proud in my skin. I'm terrified about how I'll feel towards my stomach and how it will change my confidence. Where are your scars? Can I count on mine being low enough that I can hide it?

I'm starting to think I might bail on my cs and try vaginally...but I'm SO scared of tearing, long painful labor, and the chance I could end up in an emergency cs with a doctor that I don't know who could possibly do a botch job compared to the fantastic doctor I currently have lined up.

I can't sleep, I'm freaking out and I don't know how or what to expect for the delivery of this baby and it's absolutely terrifying me.