Ectopic heart beat


Hi guys so I just had my 28 week app at the hospital, my mid wife was checking my baby’s heart beat and it sounded a little odd... 😢 it was like skipping a beat every couple of beats, I had a morphology scan done at 20 weeks and no abnormalities were detected then, I was put on a ECG and was monitored for about 30 mins then a doctor come in an told me that it’s fine and that it could be a ectopic heartbeat, I have a further scan on Thursday and follow up with the hospital, but I am generally worried about my little boy and hearing his little heart not skip a beat is really upsetting me and I just want to know if anyone on here has had an experience similar or would no abit better and could provide me with some info cause I’ve been looking on google and what I read on there is quite heart breaking and has made me feel a lot worse about it 😢😭