Breastfeeding after 1 year


Hi ladies!

I have an almost 11 month old and I've been breastfeeding her since she was born. She's eating solid foods now 3x a day and I work and pump 2x a week. She's nursing/getting a bottle 4x a day (every 4 hours starting at 8am) and sleeps through the night. I'm wondering,

-if you're still nursing, how often and how much (if you pump and give bottles) does your baby get during the day?

-if you're nursing after 1yr, what does that look like? How often/how much?

-how often/how much does your baby get solids?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just curious what this journey may look like once we reach and pass the 1yr mark.


Here's my cutie pie on her first Christmas :)