18 weeks bladder issues

I feel like this issue is getting worse as the pregnancy progresses. Is this normal? Can anyone else relate? Will everything go back to normal? I’ve asked about it before and was told it was pressure from the baby. However, my bladder seems to not fully drain when I pee, I literally stand up and feel like peeing instantly. I haven’t asked my doctor again as I won’t see them again until late January and this just started getting worse. I also want to stay hydrated because it helps with stretch mark prevention and with overall wellness but it’s so annoying because I know my bladder will be full and I’ll have to pee too many times..

A few details so I don’t have to answer questions or get information I’ve read before:

This is my second pregnancy

—-first pregnancy was very different and I did frequently pee but it didn’t get bad until the last couple of weeks.

I am active (exercise) my routine includes many of the recommended pelvic floor exercises

I do kegels 10x3 at least every other day, maybe every two days when I forget.

I’ve never been diagnosed with any incontinence issues before