Feeling sad/guilty...


Okay Soo my older brother will be 29 in January and has been trying to have a kid for over 8 years .. around Thanksgiving him and his girlfriend found out they were finally pregnant! I was Soo happy for them like beyond excited .. I have a 9 month old daughter (as of today) but I was finally going to be an auntie to a beautiful baby boy or girl! And then right before Christmas I found out I was pregnant again! My sister in law and I were so happy to be going through this beautiful stage together and even better that our kids would only be a month or so apart! And then today she tell me she lost the baby. Went to an appointment and there was no heartbeat. Now here I am feeling terrible that my oldest brother lost the one thing he truly ever wanted . And worried about how he might hate me for being pregnant again. I don't want him to lose hope . I lost my first child at 27 weeks pregnant and that was unbearable so I completely understand! I want him to keep trying and I want to check up on him . But I'm afraid I won't have the right words .. idk I guess this was just a little thought rant .