So my hubby and I are moving out of state in less than a month because because we can’t afford to live here anymore and we are moving In with my mom for a month or so until we get jobs and are settled .. That being said we live in a townhouse and can’t afford to pay this months rent before we leave because we are on one income and have all these other bills and a baby. (Hence why we are moving) ... another thing ... the office stated that we need a 30 day notice and 2,000 to break the lease. Again... we can’t even afford to pay our rent this month. What is the worse than can happen if we just move out at the end of the month without paying anything???? I need advice. I’m not sure what to do because honestly there is no money to give them. I just don’t want to go to jail. Ugh I’m stressing out. Thank you all! Xo