C-section scheduled

Jessica • Mama of 1 girl 9/18/17. expecting 🌈 May 2020

Anyone else have a scheduled c-section? I have mine scheduled for May 22nd but I have so much anxiety and fear that I think I want to tell my doctor I want to try for a VBAC. I know she’ll be supportive but tell me there’s a good chance I’ll end up needing a c-section anyway. I keep reading things and trying to be as informed as possible, but I made the mistake of reading a bunch of horror stories from women who had c-sections. Yes, I did have an emergency c-section with my daughter and the recovery was hard but that’s not what is driving my fear. I have maybe some irrational fears that something could go wrong during surgery. With my daughter, I started crying and shaking so bad they had to give me extra drugs which made it nearly impossible to stay awake and hold my daughter. I actually had to ask them to take her away because I couldn’t hold her because I was falling asleep!!! I just need some words of encouragement or maybe some examples of good experiences. A part of me thinks knowing I’m having a C-section as opposed to the emergency one I had with my daughter will help with the crying and shaking I had the first time around.