Over feeding 2 week old (long post)


My baby has been eating every 1 1/2 for the last week, he only sleeps for that long and wakes up crying. And always is hungry. Ive only breastfeed him, we never gave him formula. Today i tried out a bottle to make sure he was eating enough and he ate almost 4 and a half oz and that’s all i made, and when i held him afterwards he just wanted more breast milk. He’s always had plenty of wet and poopy diapers. He gained weight at his first appt, and we have our next on thursday. People have told me not to feed him so much but i don’t get how i’m supposed to do that when he’s crying. I half think he nurses to comfort himself because he falls asleep nursing all the time. I don’t know what i’m supposed to do and i’m exhausted from breastfeeding him all by myself. ☹️ I know i’m producing enough milk because he has milk pouring out of his mouth, i decided to try the bottle too because lately he’s been coughing from breast milk and i was thinking maybe my letdown is too fast for him. I could use anyone’s advice and to make it easier on me