Scared to death

nicole 💙💖 • I was 18.1 weeks pregnant and went into early labor due to incompetent cervix I had to deliver my beautiful baby girl and she died in our arms 👼💔 Trying for our rainbow baby/babies !! Please pray for us and send all of the positive vibes and baby dust!!

On May 15 2019th our world was shattered my heart broke into a million pieces! I was 18.1 weeks pregnant and went into early labor due to incompetent cervix I had to deliver my beautiful baby girl and she died in our arms 👼💔 I have never been the same. I am absolutely miserable and want nothing more than to be a mother and for my love of nearly 15 years to be a father ! Twins would be amazing!! But really just a full term pregnancy with a full term healthy baby or babies would be a blessing and the answer to our prayers and healing!!

Trying for our rainbow baby/babies !! Please pray for us and send all of the positive vibes and baby dust!! I am terrified and could really use the extra love !! I am so afraid of this happening again please if you have any advise or tips I would welcome them !!! 💙💖🤞🌈