Confirmed & Announced🍍🥰😊


Today I had my pregnancy confirmed at the health department. I was scared they'd tell me sorry no line, must be a fake line or faulty test. I prayed when the nurse left the room to go check the test. She came back with a huge smile. I jumped up and hugged her tightly while crying as she told me we're definitely pregnant. My husband got up and grabbed me crying his eyes out. We've been trying for 3 years. I really had lost all hope. We did this. No fertility meds. Nothing. We just stopped trying. I stopped caring. I've had ppl the past 3 weeks ask me if I'm pregnant. I've gone home crying. I've cried in the cooler of my job, in the storage room. And out of no where I'm blessed by God himself. I'm not a believer in God but he did his part in my life. I'm so blessed. The only symptoms I've had are morning sickness, constipation, and gas. We left the appointment with happiness. We decided to share with everyone because why wait to share our blessing, our miracle. Here's our announcement you guys:

I'm obsessed with pineapples so that's why we used pineapples. 🥰💙🍍

I love my little family so much.

I'm 5 weeks & 6 days today.

Our baby is due August 26, 2020 and my birthday is August 28. 🥰🍍🥰🍍

Never give up hope. I did and god showed me not to. No matter what ladies. I have faith now. 🥰🍍💙♥️