I don’t know how to feel, please no judging...

Long story short: My IUD fell out Nov26th followed by immediate bleeding. My boyfriend had his scheduled vasectomy Dec20th, so prior to his surgery, we talked about this month being the last month to try for a baby IF we wanted another, being that this would definitely be the LAST baby. We decided whatever happens, happens not to overthink it bc what are the odds that we’d make a baby in 1 month, when on average it takes like 3-6...Well on Christmas Day I got a BFP on a digital CB test. We both honestly didnt think that we would make a baby in those 3 weeks that we had. But we did and now I’m freaking out. Now that it’s reality, my period has been missed & im now expecting baby #3, I don’t know how to feel. I’m not excited, I’m actually scared. I’ve been crying a lot And I feel like an asshole because there are so many people out there trying to conceive that are having fertility issues & here I am crying bc I’m freaking out about having another baby. I can’t help but feel extremely overwhelmed. Can somebody with 3+ kids please tell me that it’s going to be okay?