Gestational diabetes

When I first found out I had gestational diabetes I was really scared but the good news is I found out today it doesn’t have to be quite as scary as I thought it was gonna be. So I went to The diabetes Center at My hospital today and they sent me to a dietitian and she explained how to count carbs and a bunch of other small things and ladies if you’re just finding out that you have gestational diabetes yes it can be terrifying having to adjust your diet not knowing what It can do or how to eat better but at least in my experience it doesn’t have to be just take a breath and when You get your appointment with your diabetes center or with your dietitian or whoever your doctor sends you too I can only hope that they will be as kind and understanding and explain things to you as well as I have had explained to me today I’m rooting for you and you can do it I just kind a wanted to share something comforting.