???? ???

Okay y’all, this month I thought was our month! A couple days before my period I took a test negative. Then I waited for my period nothing came. 4 days late and on the 5th day I had my period was 2-3 days super light flow and then brown light when I wipe. Wasn’t normal for me. So I just blew it off like whatever well I’ve been extremely sick the past 2 days with throwing up, nauseous, I had diarrhea. Car rides make me so sick. I thought I had a stomach bug but now going on the 3rd day I’m feeling better BUT certain things make me so sick and nauseous. I can’t even eat and I’m starving at the same time 😭🤢

no clue what to think. It’s weird for me and I haven’t had a stomach bug like this since I was like 8. plan on testing tonight or the morning! Thoughts?