Pain in legs and arms


Hi ladies, I’ve been struggling with this ever since I can remember. First it used to be just My legs and in 2013 it moves to my arms.

So my legs hurt me in the long parts between my ankles and knee and my arms hurt me between my wrist and my elbow. It’s not a pain at the joints.

When my arms hurt me it’s hard for me to hold a grip on anything, I can’t even squeeze my hand together properly. My legs hurt me the same way.

I’ve had the legs pain since as a toddler and I would have my parents rub them to let them stop hurting. I am tired of using Tylenol and Tylenol pm for them. I’ve tried rubs that used to help but no longer has that helping effect on me.

When it hurts it feels like the flesh is about to fall off my bones and I need to squeeze them to keep it together.

Is there anything that can be helpful for this?

Please help, I’m now 27 years old.

Thank you.