New Year's Resolutions?


How does everyone feel about New Year's resolutions?

Do you actually make an effort to do everything you set out to do and can say in December "I did that"? Or do you abandon them after two weeks?

Do you make generic ones? Drink more water, exercise more, be kinder, etc. Is this a way of deflecting blame? Arguably you did drink more water, but you could also be drinking more sodas/alcoholic beverages/etc. Does paying for someone's meal in the drive thru automatically make you a "nicer" person so you can check that off your list? Or maybe it's less of an emotional toll when we don't accomplish them?

Or do you make more specific ones? Invest x-amount of money in stocks, do x-amount of hours of volunteer work every week, accept more projects at work in the hopes of a promotion, etc. Does it hurt us more emotionally when we can't achieve those specific resolutions? Does it drive us more to actually accomplish them when they're more specific?

Do your resolutions change throughout the year? "Be healthier" is a nice generic one, but what "healthier" means may change if you are diagnosed with cancer or some such other disease. So do you say that you weren't able to accomplish that resolution come December? Or do you set your bar lower so that you can accomplish it?

Do you think they actually serve for a overall benefit to society, or would we not see a difference if everyone stopped making resolutions?