Sleeping advice?

Marie • Wifey for 15 years. Mama of 3. Photographer.

My 35 weeker is 6 days old.

My LO keeps rolling onto her side from her back every time I lay her down in her crib. Swaddling a baby is actually a part of my profession, so my wrapping is great but she rolls wrapped or unwrapped. I have googled, and I cant find anything on babies rolling to their side until 3 months or so, however it's apparently common with preemies as they dont have a lot of weight on them.

The advice was " they will chunk up soon and stop rolling. " so I guess I dont sleep until then? 😂

This is my 3rd kid, youngest is 12.. and I honestly don't remember them rolling this soon.

Her size makes things a million times scarier.


Pic cause shes cute. 🥰