Hcg after MC



How long does it usually take HCG to leave after a MC.. I have had a miscarriage over 2 weeks ago & my pregnancy tests are still showing faint positives ??

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I had mc beginning of December confirmed by ultra sound 12/12 I’m still having positives, they done a ultra sound last night and showed nothing there done bloods and my HcG is really high indicating pregnancy:-( I still have all the symptoms too, I’m back again for bloods tomorrow to see if it’s gone down, If it hasn’t then I may still be retaining some pregnancy tissue that will need to be removed. It’s so hard they said to me it’s should be showing negative between 3-4wks but everyone is different


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I had a MMC at 11 weeks, baby was measuring 8weeks 4 days. It has been 6 weeks and my HCG is down to 3, and I have a final blood test Thursday (at my hospital negative is less than 2).


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I had a D&C on December 6th at 11 weeks and still have blazing positives. I was told it can be 6 weeks or longer. I’m going to go get blood done however to check on mine


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Depends on how far along. I was 8w2d which is around when HCG peaks, baby died 11/19, bleed started 12/7. Last tested HCG was 12/27 and was at 12 (which may show as a vvvvfl on HPT).


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After all my miscarriages it took about 2 months


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About a month for me


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6 weeks for me