My in-laws call my unborn a hoe

So my in-laws are alright all in all. I could have worst ones. I am carrying their first grandchild.

When I came over with my husband to visit. My MIL said" we can wait to met our little hoe". They both laughed I paused a minute.. Smiled... I dont get it I said.

My MIL explained to me that our daughters first and middle name makes her a ho. ( Haven Olivia )

I purposely made my daughter's initials

H.O.T( Haven Olivia Thompson) . so i dont know where they got that from🤷🏾

I let it slide as a bad joke and dropped it.

Fast forward I visit again we went to visit and only my FIL was there. We talked and whatever . and he mentioned that he couldnt wait to meet little hoe. Trying to still be polite I said her Nick name can be little hottie , or tamale or red hot but I dont understand hoe seeing that no one uses a persons first and middle initials.

Hubby and me got into the car after the visit . and i mentioned that i didnt like his parents calling our daughter that. He also agreed it was inappropriate.

Normally we let each other correct our family . but my husband has a history of cold feet.

Should I blow up or wait to give him a chance? Baby is due in 2 weeks and i dont want them call her that period. Even if its not in front of her.