GOODBYE 2019!! Don’t let the door hit ya otw out!!


This has been one of the hardest years of my life. One of loss and heartache and I’m sitting here a few hours out from the end of it, just sad. It came from nowhere but I suppose seeing all the timelines Of new babies and happy families just makes me see what I’m missing. Makes me FEEL what I’m missing. I feel like an addict who has their drug of choice in front of them every day.. just out of reach.

We are in the moments of God telling us to wait and be patient. To trust. To sit down and have faith... faith that we can afford <a href="">IVF</a> in the next couple of months. Faith that the slim odds of it working will be in our favor. Faith that maybe for once we will catch a freaking break.

My New Years resolution is to find peace in the waiting instead of frustration. To grow from my trials instead becoming angry. To find my purpose and be ok, even if the way I become a mommy doesn’t look the way I ever planned it to.

Happy new year ladies!! May 2020 bless us in ways we don’t deserve. May we find God in our hardships. And perhaps... just perhaps... become the mothers we all long to be.