Feeling horrible


A little backstory first... my SO and I have been ttc for 23 months (who’s counting, right?) I had an ectopic pregnancy May 2018. Tried for a year and nothing. Had laparoscopic surgery for cysts/adhesions in May 2019. Got pregnant and miscarried August 2019. I found out a couple days ago that I’m pregnant again. I have an appointment with my doctor on Friday and in the meantime they have me on progesterone supplements to try to help keep this baby. I don’t feel happy or excited or any of the things I should be feeling. I feel like we’ve been trying for so long that I’ve just given up. I can’t let myself be happy for this pregnancy because I feel like I’m just waiting for the cramps and bleeding to start and it all to be over. I don’t know how to change this feeling. I guess I’m trying to protect myself by not letting myself get attached. For anybody that’s felt this way, did it get better? How do I be happy about finally getting something I’ve wanted for so long?