1st Round of Femara, success stories?

McKayla • Rowan•Feb2017 🌈Oliver•Nov2020 🌈Willow•2022

UPDATE! So I had my ultrasound done on Friday, and I'm a little irritated by the whole encounter. So first off my doctor wasn't in so I was told I'd get a call with the results and it's my first round so I asked about the trigger shot and was told that if there was anything there I'd be notified. Well the tech was rushing to get me out cause they close early and then she left to show someone the ultrasound I was assuming itd be another dr in the office but no it was a nurse and they told me basically that it didn't work but were kinda rude by it. So now I'm actually getting positive OPKs which is a big deal for me and I would absolutely love to get pregnant and them just be wrong 😂

I just finished taking the 5 days of femara and have my ultrasound and possibly getting a trigger shot on friday. Has anyone had success with this... I do have PCOS as well really hoping that itll happen soon!