Labour 40+2 🤰🏽👶🏼

Jessie • Mummy to beautiful daughter 16/08/18👶🏼 second baby due 30/12/19💖👶🏼 🤰🏽

Thought I’d share my labour story it’s pretty short and sweet! Had my beautiful Daughter at 40+2 second

baby 😀x

Had my routine 40 week app with midwife where she told me I was 3cm and offered to give me a sweep which by this point I was willing to try it!

I had contractions on and off for that day but by Tuesday morning they had worn off ! I was so disappointed 😔 I thought that was the end of it all and the sweep hadn’t helped! I walked to my mothers with my beautiful 16month old that afternoon I began getting contractions every 10 min !

I began timing them around 5:30pm and by 1am I had gotten to 5-1–1 but knew that the contractions weren’t quite strong enough from my previous labour so decided to try and continue labouring at home ,

We arrived at hospital around 4am where I was told I was 4cm and by 6.40am my beautiful daughter was born ! It was a very quick labour but definitely easier than my first as she was posterior !thank goodness she was only little weighing in at 6pound 2 ounces I had no medical intervention (did try gas&air but felt sick)

So welcome to the world my beautiful darling 01/01/2020

Lyra Ann Davies

Ps: couldn’t help but add my beautiful eldest 😍😍😍