Anyone else still mourn the fact that breastfeeding didn’t work out?

My baby girl is 9 months now and I still get upset about it. I know fed is best but I still wish that breastfeeding worked out. I was heartbroken about it. I pumped for a couple months but stopped because it was difficult to maintain with the job I have.

I was around my cousin, who breastfeeds her now 5 month old, through the holidays and it was so hard. She continued to go on and on about how wonderful it is to breastfeed her baby and even made a comment on how women give up on it too early. She told me that if I kept trying to make my baby latch then she would have eventually figured it out from being hungry. She said a lot more, like how people (such as me) should not be vaccinating their children, but I don’t really feel like getting into it. That’s a whole other subject and honestly tires me out even repeating all of the things she said.

It all made me feel like shit though. I tried everything I could possibly do until I realized I had to give up. I cried the first week of bottle feeding, not because formula is bad, but because I lost out on the opportunity to have that bond with my baby and do something I was really looking forward to doing.

I really hope that it works out with the next baby... and I hope that my cousin learns to consider other’s feelings before speaking.