Tips for (unwanted) Natural Labor; Precipitous


Precipitous labor is a nightmare, but with baby #4 due in just a month- I am accepting reality and reaching out to ask anyone & everyone for your best tips for tackling the pain!

My last labor was just under 40 minutes and while it seems many women call this “so lucky”— please keep in mind that the entire labor is transition. I can’t use the traditional “breathe through the contraction” or “ride the wave” because they don’t come in waves- it is just peak upon peak upon peak and then crowning..... so, I’m at a loss for how to psychologically pump myself up- and reduce the fear associated with how badly it hurts. I have been listening to hypnobirthing audio- and I think that would help if it wasn’t 0–>100 pain ; so instantly 😖

Due to the rapid nature- they’ll induce me at 39+1... which would mean epidural BEFORE induction (woohoo!!!) but the longest I have made it is 39+0, so this gives me little hope. 😢

I came away from the last birth feeling really traumatized, and I am certain that the fear is only amplifying the pain. For anyone who has had a precipitous labor—- words of advice!?