Feeling horrible

Yesterday my baby drank at 11 , was supposed to wake her up at 3 but didn't hear my alarm😖. I than wake up at 3:48 and started pumping and could only pump an 1oz good thing I had milk in fridge . I feel bad letting her sleep longer than she should of almost 4-5 hrs she's only 3weeks old is it ok she wasn't crying of hunger or anything if anything, after the feeding she still stayed asleep but I just feel bad bc they say wake her up 2-3 hrs . Shes only on my brestmilk I just pump and give it to her in a bottle bc she didn't latch on my nipple , is it ok if I let her sleep longer if she's not up or crying from hunger? Bc she usually wakes up let's min pass from her moving aurond to than crying bc she's hungry ,but she didn't do that tonight could it be that she's starting to sleep at night longer ? And also how can I make my milk supply get more??

Yesterday I only ate 2 sandwiches at 4pm and that was all for the day as after giving birth I did loose a appetite, and I forgot to eat a snack too , help how do I make my milk get more 😖 ftm

And I usually only pump when my baby needs feeding so every 2-3 hrs but I know started pumping when my milk leaks could that help too?

Update: I ate crackers and water and waited a bit and my nipple started leaking! And was able to pump 3oz!

Also my baby had her two week check up and she gained weight , but doc did say bc I breastfeed to wake 2-3hrs , I did forget to ask if it would be ok if she did sleep longer at times like this happened today,