Would you transfer 1 or 2, 1st round of ICSI?

We have male factor infertility, nothing on my end causing issues. The TESE was successful, they collected enough for 10 straws, so 10 rounds according to the drs. We haven’t done the egg retrieval yet, it will be done next week if everything goes as planned 🤞🏻🤞🏻 anyhow, we already said we wanted to just transfer 1 but now I’m second guessing myself...thanks internet stories/blogs 😬 our thought process is with our luck, if we transferred 2, both will take and we’d have twins 2-3 months before a transatlantic move back home. So we thought it’d be slightly less stressful with just 1 newborn and our dogs. If it doesn’t work for our first round then we could try transferring two for the next round 🤷🏻‍♀️

I know the success rates and everything but trying to be optimistic 😊🤞🏻

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