4 month sleep regression

My baby girl is 4 months and i think we have hit the regression.

She use to sleep 730/8- 2 then nurse and back to sleep until 6 or so.

Now it’s bed 630-8 (it varies) then wakes one time then after midnight it’s almost every. Single. Hour. Maybe less maybe if I’m lucky a little more. She can self sooth back to sleep (she sucks on her fingers. She doesn’t love a paci) but lately I’ve been latching her since when she wakes up she’s wide awake and just kicking around. What are some suggestions for this type of regression? How would sleep training work? I don’t believe in the COM, sorry. She currently sleeps in a big co sleeper next to us. I don’t want her to rely on this either and create a bad habit. Any help would be great! Thanks 😬