Sick baby


My daughter is 4.5 months old and sick with a virus. Congested, cough,'s been 3 weeks on and off but getting noticiably worse in the past 5 days. No fever. Last night she coughed and gagged herself and threw up her entire bottle. I just took her to the doc this morning to have them check her out again. They said she has no signs of bacterial infection, so diagnosed her with bronchiolitis due to a viral infection. Said to keep up with supportive care. Last time she ate was 8:30 this morning and she's been sleeping since. I just tried to feed her again (1:30pm) and she screamed her head off every time I put the bottle in her mouth. I gave her some tylenol (for the first time ever in her life) and she's back to sleep. How long does the tylenol take to kick in? Should I try to feed her again or just let her sleep? I am worried she is going to get dehydrated. She only had 6oz total since the vomit session last night around 11pm... 😖 Should I go to doc again? I have been there weekly for like the past month and they alway just say "it's viral, use a humidifier, saline drops, tylenol, blah, blah..." If anyone has gone through something similar, please let me know what happened for you.