Nighttime nightmare

Help me I'm going out of my mind. From the second my baby wakes up until 8pm she is a dream. Nurses every 2-3 hours, naps frequently. All around happy baby. When she was around 8 weeks old we managed to get into a fab nighttime routine, fed for half an hour, dozed off to sleep and moved into her crib, asleep through the night.

Suddenly over the holidays she's wanting to nurse for 2-3 hours. She will fall asleep, then wake up distressed the nipple is no longer in her mouth. When she does eventually fall asleep and not wake, the second she's in her crib she screams bloody murder and I'm not exaggerating when I say it sounds like she's in pain. She will scream until she's purple in the face and she will choke on her spit.

What once was an hour to an hour and a half for bedtime is now 3-4 hours, and we can't just let her cry purely for my own sanity because I hate hearing her like that and it makes me cry. Shes fine the moment she's picked up and walked around or the second she's back on the boob. I can't keep nursing her for that long though because it just starts hurting. It feels like it did when she was a newborn. And we can't keep walking her around until she's asleep because the moment we try to put her down, she's screaming again.

I'm up for hours, I'm crying every night, I'm dreading bedtime. My partner goes back to work Monday and I'm dreading the lack of sleep again.

She's in her 4th leap but honestly I feel like it's something else. Oh! She won't take a dummy/paci either