I don’t know how to cope?


I’m in a really tricky situation right now. I can’t help but be uncomfortable or feel weird or hurt. My boyfriends first love just passed away a couple weeks ago. I knew her too and we were all good friends at one point. I stood by him through all the funeral arrangements and let him grieve and I still do and respect the process. It’s really stupid I know, how little things get to me. I can’t help but feel like im not enough now. Because he’s grieving he’ll post memories and stuff w her. Earlier today we were at the gym and I was talking to him and he was trying to take a gym selfie and I was blocking him on accident and mid convo he said, “you’re in my pic can you move?” Of course in the moment I was like ok douche bag. Haha but after he made his post it said a bible verse and then he put a dragonfly and a heart to symbolize her. Idk maybe I’m just crazy. Any advice on how to cope with all this without feeling so small?