Help with Parenting Disagreements.


I feel so frustrated and torn. My husband and I have a 3 year old and are pregnant with our second. My husband is very stern, lacks patience and our 3 year old has started to call him mean.

I’m very patient, maybe too patient at times and give my toddler multiple chances but then get stern.

The problem is, my husband jumps in and is stern the second our toddler doesnt listen. I’ve noticed this scares her. She then avoids us even more and purposefully runs away.

When I’m patient with her she typically does as she’s told by the 2nd or 3rd time of me asking her (i usually count to 3 and she responds before getting to 3).

My husband told me today that he’s starting to resent me and our daughter. He doesn’t like that she listens and responds better to me. He thinks we aren’t on the same page when it comes to parenting and feels like it’s two against one constantly.

I don’t feel this way. I just feel we both have different techniques. I personally feel he’s too harsh and expects too much from a toddler. I feel she’s only 3. She’s not a robot that will respond to every command. She’s at the age of exploring boundaries and seeing how far she can push.

Am I being unreasonable in my views/beliefs? Please share your thoughts. I’d love to hear from both other moms and dads!!