Me and husband got into a fight


And I told him I was going to go to our mobile home that were remodeling to cool down. He immediately got up and said if I left not to come back. He always does this. His rage this time was that I told him to not talk to me in a joking way and he screamed and said hes not my stupid dumb ass husband to talk to like that. Saying I'm fucking stupid and act exactly like my sister. He compared me in a million ways to her and how she treats her husband. Lord knows I go above and beyond to treat and respect my husband but I am so tired. So tired of him always threatening to leave me if I make him the slightest upset. I'm always walking around eggshells with him. I know many are going to say leave him so many red flags and yes that's true but it really is not that easy. We have 2 kids we are on the process of fixing his immigration status. We have invested so much money in buying a house. I have no job no family or friends whatsoever and so many other reasons. Many can understand where I am coming from. If you don't please dont insult me.

I know this is bad but honestly I wish something can just happen to him in order for him to ask me to forgive him or for he can see how he treats me. Since Christmas till yesterday everything was good because I wasnt doing anything to upset him. He makes me feel bad for not doing anal with him like he wont tell me bad stuff but he just makes me feel bad weird to explain. He has called me every name in the book and yes I have always asked him for forgiveness. He thinks he can do no wrong

Hes a manipulative liar, a narcissist and hes just the worst. I know I'm just ranting but I cant even tell him how I feel without him making me feel bad.