Working at job with ex ? Also with women ex cheated with?

Months ago my ex of 4 years cheated on me after we moved in together with a woman he works with at his job. Over the past few months I’ve been really shaky with a job and am having trouble finding one. His job is always hiring and I have an interview with them tomorrow. The break up was bad but we are on way better terms. I honestly need a job and they will most likely hire me ASAP. Also wanna add we live together with another roomate and my ex has been paying my portion of the bills since I haven’t had a job. I’m really having tunnel vision because I just wanna work and atp don’t care what job. But this may be stupid asf... but I can’t go any longer without a job. ( been applying and interviewing everywhere) Due to my financial situation I just want to make money to be able to stand on my own again ASAP. But due to the history idk. Opinions?