Hangry mom


I want to complain about pregnancy symptoms but some people make you feel like you’re not allowed to because otherS are wishing for symptoms..And I get that, but I’m a human being too and this raging hormones are out to get me. I’m so hungry but don’t have an appetite, if I try to force myself to eat, it ends up in the toilet. This isn’t even my second pregnancy and I still can’t get used to it. I love my babies but I hate pregnancy. It makes me miserable. My doctor tries to keep a steady weight gain but it’s hard if I’m always vomiting and not eating. Not to mention the low blood sugar, headaches and weakness from anemia. Everything is sore and hurts. Like the flu without an actual virus.. (🙄🙄 i can hear myself)Nothing we do works so I just have to hang in there for 9months.

Just venting here because I can’t IRL, thanks for listening!