hookup tips!

so there’s this guy that ig we can refer to as a “friend w benefits”. we hooked up once a few weeks ago and we plan on it again. we made out and he was real “handsy” (idk how else to say it lol). ANYWAY. so he wanted to go down on me, which i wanted but my period decided to come the day before so i told him, and then obviously he didn’t go down on me bc... duh. so i was planning on giving him a bj but didn’t. not like i didn’t want to bc i did but just bc i didn’t wanna do a bad job. he knew he was my first and made it really clear that it was a safe comfortable environment and stuff and he was gonna make me doing anything i didn’t want to (he’s so sweet🥺) but i didn’t give him a bj anyway. i told him next time lmao. SO long story aside, what’re the best bj tips you got? please lmk!! i want to do a good job bc i know he’ll do a good job next time we hu (he’s far more experienced than i am) thanks for the help :)